Strong's 5921 Occurrences

KJV: Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.
NASB: Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me.
KJV: Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
NASB: Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.
KJV: Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
NASB: Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.
KJV: Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.
NASB: But for Your sake we are killed all day long; We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.
KJV: Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.
NASB: You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever.
KJV: Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
NASB: You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of joy above Your fellows.
KJV: I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.
NASB: I will cause Your name to be remembered in all generations; Therefore the peoples will give You thanks forever and ever.
KJV: Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
NASB: Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;
KJV: For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.
NASB: For the LORD Most High is to be feared, A great King over all the earth.
KJV: God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.
NASB: God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.