About Us

The Bible Study Company

We are: An online study Bible with a social media community

Our mission: Studying Scripture to live a praiseworthy life

Our vision: That a “Company” of believers are studying Scripture to live a praiseworthy life

Our Hope: That Pew-sitters move to disciple and then to disciple teachers bearing fruit for Christ

Bible Study Company, LLC. (BSC) is a mobilized website created to provide an easy to use experience while studying the Bible. How is BSC any different than other Bible e-readers on the Internet? BSC isn't just an e-reader. We hope to become your online study Bible, complete with notes, journals, and a social media component. In our name: Bible Study Company, the emphasis is on…company. We seek a "company" of believers who are committed to pursuing the God of the Bible and sharing their experiences with others. 

My wife and I are pew-sitters. In the past, we read our Bibles primarily for devotional purposes. Then in 2012 we attended a conference where Dr. Baruch Korman, of loveisrael.org, spoke using expositional teaching in the book of Acts. As we listened to his teaching, it changed our thinking about the Bible. We watched several of his talks and developed a renewed appreciation and desire to study God's Word. Dr. Baruch provided the "why" of studying God's Word. This "why" was to study Scripture to find God's purposes and plans and align ourselves to these purposes. In the fall of 2014, we began studying scripture as husband and wife for the purpose of living a praiseworthy life. Bible Study Company is a web-based tool born from our experience using Dr. Korman's teaching. 

How will you respond? Join us for the most exciting adventure of your life using Bible Study Company tools and interacting with fellow believers!


Dr. Baruch Korman and wife Rivka of loveisrael.org has provided teaching, inspiration, guidance and prayer for this endeavor. John Isett of Biblehub.com has provided technical support and is a Bible e-reader Internet pioneer. Gary Hill of Discovery Bible also gave guidance to the project. 

We are indebted to our Creator whose Lordship and purposes we seek. Our gratitude also extends to those who pray for us.

Pew Sitters Arise!