Strong's 7971 Occurrences

KJV: And Jephthah sent messengers again unto the king of the children of Ammon:
NASB: But Jephthah sent messengers again to the king of the sons of Ammon,
KJV: Then Israel sent messengers unto the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, pass through thy land: but the king of Edom would not hearken thereto. And in like manner they sent unto the king of Moab: but he would not consent: and Israel abode in Kadesh.
NASB: then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, "Please let us pass through your land," but the king of Edom would not listen. And they also sent to the king of Moab, but he would not consent. So Israel remained at Kadesh.
KJV: And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, the king of Heshbon; and Israel said unto him, Let us pass, we pray thee, through thy land into my place.
NASB: 'And Israel sent messengers to Sihon king of the Amorites, the king of Heshbon, and Israel said to him, "Please let us pass through your land to our place."
KJV: Howbeit the king of the children of Ammon hearkened not unto the words of Jephthah which he sent him.
NASB: But the king of the sons of Ammon disregarded the message which Jephthah sent him.
KJV: And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains.
NASB: Then he said, "Go." So he sent her away for two months; and she left with her companions, and wept on the mountains because of her virginity.
KJV: And he had thirty sons, and thirty daughters, whom he sent abroad, and took in thirty daughters from abroad for his sons. And he judged Israel seven years.
NASB: He had thirty sons, and thirty daughters whom he gave in marriage outside the family, and he brought in thirty daughters from outside for his sons. And he judged Israel seven years.
KJV: Then Manoah intreated the LORD, and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born.
NASB: Then Manoah entreated the LORD and said, "O Lord, please let the man of God whom You have sent come to us again that he may teach us what to do for the boy who is to be born."
KJV: And when he had set the brands on fire, he let them go into the standing corn of the Philistines, and burnt up both the shocks, and also the standing corn, with the vineyards and olives.
NASB: When he had set fire to the torches, he released the foxes into the standing grain of the Philistines, thus burning up both the shocks and the standing grain, along with the vineyards and groves.
KJV: And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.
NASB: He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, so he reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it.