Strong's 7227 Occurrences

KJV: Many are my persecutors and mine enemies; yet do I not decline from thy testimonies.
NASB: Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, Yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies.
KJV: I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil.
NASB: I rejoice at Your word, As one who finds great spoil.
KJV: Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
NASB: Those who love Your law have great peace, And nothing causes them to stumble.
KJV: My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.
NASB: Too long has my soul had its dwelling With those who hate peace.
KJV: Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt.
NASB: Be gracious to us, O LORD, be gracious to us, For we are greatly filled with contempt.
KJV: Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.
NASB: Our soul is greatly filled With the scoffing of those who are at ease, And with the contempt of the proud.
KJV: {A Song of degrees.} Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say:
NASB: A Song of Ascents. "Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up," Let Israel now say,
KJV: Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.
NASB: "Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up; Yet they have not prevailed against me.
KJV: Who smote great nations, and slew mighty kings;
NASB: He smote many nations And slew mighty kings,
KJV: Send thine hand from above; rid me, and deliver me out of great waters, from the hand of strange children;
NASB: Stretch forth Your hand from on high; Rescue me and deliver me out of great waters, Out of the hand of aliens