Strong's 5414 Occurrences

KJV: Moreover, because I have set my affection to the house of my God, I have of mine own proper good, of gold and silver, which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house,
NASB: "Moreover, in my delight in the house of my God, the treasure I have of gold and silver, I give to the house of my God, over and above all that I have already provided for the holy temple,
KJV: And gave for the service of the house of God of gold five thousand talents and ten thousand drams, and of silver ten thousand talents, and of brass eighteen thousand talents, and one hundred thousand talents of iron.
NASB: and for the service for the house of God they gave 5,000 talents and 10,000 darics of gold, and 10,000 talents of silver, and 18,000 talents of brass, and 100,000 talents of iron.
KJV: And they with whom precious stones were found gave them to the treasure of the house of the LORD, by the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.
NASB: Whoever possessed precious stones gave them to the treasury of the house of the LORD, in care of Jehiel the Gershonite.
KJV: But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee.
NASB: "But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You.
KJV: And give unto Solomon my son a perfect heart, to keep thy commandments, thy testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all these things, and to build the palace, for the which I have made provision.
NASB: and give to my son Solomon a perfect heart to keep Your commandments, Your testimonies and Your statutes, and to do them all, and to build the temple, for which I have made provision."
KJV: And all the princes, and the mighty men, and all the sons likewise of king David, submitted themselves unto Solomon the king.
NASB: All the officials, the mighty men, and also all the sons of King David pledged allegiance to King Solomon.
KJV: And the LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel.
NASB: The LORD highly exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed on him royal majesty which had not been on any king before him in Israel.
KJV: In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.
NASB: In that night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, "Ask what I shall give you."
KJV: Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?
NASB: "Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people, for who can rule this great people of Yours?"
KJV: Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.
NASB: wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. And I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings who were before you has possessed nor those who will come after you."