Strong's 5046 Occurrences

KJV: To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee?
NASB: "To whom have you uttered words? And whose spirit was expressed through you?
KJV: If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness:
NASB: "If there is an angel as mediator for him, One out of a thousand, To remind a man what is right for him,
KJV: Then he sheweth them their work, and their transgressions that they have exceeded.
NASB: Then He declares to them their work And their transgressions, that they have magnified themselves.
KJV: The noise thereof sheweth concerning it, the cattle also concerning the vapour.
NASB: "Its noise declares His presence; The cattle also, concerning what is coming up.
KJV: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
NASB: "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding,
KJV: Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? declare if thou knowest it all.
NASB: "Have you understood the expanse of the earth? Tell Me, if you know all this.
KJV: Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not.
NASB: 'Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' "Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know."
KJV: Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings.
NASB: Sing praises to the LORD, who dwells in Zion; Declare among the peoples His deeds.
KJV: {To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.} The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
NASB: For the choir director. A Psalm of David. The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
KJV: They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.
NASB: They will come and will declare His righteousness To a people who will be born, that He has performed it.