Strong's 1732 Occurrences

KJV: And the men of the city went out, and fought with Joab: and there fell some of the people of the servants of David; and Uriah the Hittite died also.
NASB: The men of the city went out and fought against Joab, and some of the people among David's servants fell; and Uriah the Hittite also died.
KJV: Then Joab sent and told David all the things concerning the war;
NASB: Then Joab sent and reported to David all the events of the war.
KJV: So the messenger went, and came and shewed David all that Joab had sent him for.
NASB: So the messenger departed and came and reported to David all that Joab had sent him to tell.
KJV: And the messenger said unto David, Surely the men prevailed against us, and came out unto us into the field, and we were upon them even unto the entering of the gate.
NASB: The messenger said to David, "The men prevailed against us and came out against us in the field, but we pressed them as far as the entrance of the gate.
KJV: Then David said unto the messenger, Thus shalt thou say unto Joab, Let not this thing displease thee, for the sword devoureth one as well as another: make thy battle more strong against the city, and overthrow it: and encourage thou him.
NASB: Then David said to the messenger, "Thus you shall say to Joab, 'Do not let this thing displease you, for the sword devours one as well as another; make your battle against the city stronger and overthrow it'; and so encourage him."
KJV: And when the mourning was past, David sent and fetched her to his house, and she became his wife, and bare him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD.
NASB: When the time of mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house and she became his wife; then she bore him a son. But the thing that David had done was evil in the sight of the LORD.
KJV: And the LORD sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor.
NASB: Then the LORD sent Nathan to David. And he came to him and said, "There were two men in one city, the one rich and the other poor.
KJV: And David's anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As the LORD liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die:
NASB: Then David's anger burned greatly against the man, and he said to Nathan, "As the LORD lives, surely the man who has done this deserves to die.
KJV: And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul;
NASB: Nathan then said to David, "You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel, 'It is I who anointed you king over Israel and it is I who delivered you from the hand of Saul.