Episode Summary
Can we know God's will? Yes! But once we find it and act upon it, we are going to experience pushback, which is called Spiritual Warfare. Did you know spiritual warfare can come through people? Let's dive into Exodus 5 and see for ourselves. Join us for this Podcast for Pewsitters
Episode Notes
We want to find God's perspective in Scripture. The world is His house and His rules.
Have you ever been in a situation we don't have control over and feel trapped? God wants us to trust Him for redemption by obeying His Words. He may not get us out right away, but the journey will be hard and amazing. We will grow in our faith to obey His word.
In this chapter, Moses and Aaron are in Egypt, and they are speaking to the oppressed Hebrews that are in real trouble and suffering. With Covid 19, we can almost put ourselves there!
God is coming to the rescue in which is a pattern in the gospels.
They were in bondage to the world system in Egypt and when Jesus was on the scene, and Christ said: "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sins is a slave of sin" John 8:34, So there is a spiritual side to bondage and Egypt is a typology of the world. Sin and obeying are themes in Exodus 5. Who will obey, and who will not? But then who is affected by our obedience? We want God in our lives, but are we ready to have our commitment to Him challenged? Let's take this lesson of worshiping Him during hard times and ask God for help during trials.
"If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31a-32
And we will be free indeed regardless of our circumstances. Join Ric and Mary Joyner for this exciting and fun show.
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Look for the link below for Episode 1 of The Chosen
Episode Summary
Bible Study Company Interview with Dallas Jenkins of THE CHOSEN TV Series. The first-ever TV series on the life of Jesus Christ that features the Jewish context of Scripture!
Episode Notes
Dallas Jenkins, the Creator of The Chosen TV Series, joins Ric and Mary Joyner in "Podcast for Pewsitters" to discuss the show.
We love the introduction. It is a description of repentance!
The music is outstanding!
What brought the TV series to life for Mary and me is the "backstory" of the characters. Scripture is a type of narrative. But to round out the story, we need to "immerse" ourselves in the lives of the characters. Bringing to life the characters is what The Chosen TV series does. What is His will, and how do we please Him is our constant question?
A particular joy is to watch the characters giving up their "lives" to follow Christ and how that impacted their families. Christ chose His disciples in the beginning of His Journey of obedience to the Father. Onward to the cross, He went for our salvation. The disciples did not know what lay around each corner. So, as you watch The Chosen..."Get ready for different!".
Dallas shares about the many difficulties The Chosen experienced to complete the first season, and God met each one. When Dallas shares with us the experiences in his enthusiastic style, we are on the journey with him, so please join us!
Mary and I are both so excited to watch this series continue. We highly recommend it to all of you. We are also so grateful to Dallas Jenkins for honoring Bible Study Company and coming on the Podcast!
To find out more about The Chosen here are some links:
Get the app and watch it from any device for free
Watch how the show is made
To buy merchandise to help the fund the show
Official Statement of The Chosen
We've been making movies for some of the biggest studios in Hollywood for 20 years. But a subject this important shouldn't be entrusted to Hollywood. It needs to be made by us.
Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing..."
The Chosen is a new thing.
* How it was financed is new: We're the #1 highest crowd-funded media project of all time -- over $10 million from over 19,000 people.
* The content is new: We're the first-ever multi-season show about the life of Christ.
* The way to watch it is new: We're the first show to have our own app that connects directly to your streaming devices. No subscription needed. Just search "The Chosen" where you get apps and download to your phone.
* How it's reaching the world is new: The show is free, but by "paying it forward," you help ensure people around the world can see it -- we're currently in every country.
Welcome to a new thing!
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Episode Summary
Walking with God will affect our family and relationships. How? When we submit to God's word He begins to work in our lives, to train us and to bring our relationships into covenant with Him.
Episode Notes
Once we begin to obey God, He begins to move in our lives and hearts. In the last podcast, we talked about the 7 things that will change in our life. We finished the first 3 points. Here are the next 4.
Exodus 4 Part 3 In Exodus 4 Part 3 we will deal with the other 4 items.
In our next podcast in Exodus 5, we see that people oppose the will of God and that we are to expect this opposition. Join Ric and Mary Joyner for this fun and interesting Scripture.
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Do you long for adventure? What if it can happen when you decide to obey God? It can and will because you were made to serve God. He will start you on a journey that will change all areas of your life.
In our previous podcast, we discussed God becoming angry at Moses's unbelief. If we want to make God angry, that is the place to start---unbelief. Denying His existence in this beautifully ordered world is foolish. But once we have asked Christ into our lives, we are going to be confronted with obedience to God's word. We were not prepared for the impact of correctly studying God's word had on our life when we first started. But this lack of understanding makes sense because Moses struggled in the beginning, and so did the disciples. Can we expect anything different? NO!
We understand from Judaism that our life, which is given to us from God, is for the express purpose of worshiping and serving God. But as our Creator, He gives us free will and then invites us to go into service to Him willingly. Rarely do people accept this call. Moses almost didn't. Will we? In these passages, our entire life is being affected by our decision to take this service from God. Sometimes we "compartmentalize" our walk with the Lord into separate focuses. We must not.
So, what are the six things that happened to Moses after he decided to start walking with the Lord?
Join us next week for the other 4 changes! Don't forget to share it with friends! Sharing helps us grow.
For Search Engines: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com. Bible verses of faith are of interest as well. Even bible verses about hope are helpful. Bible verses about women are encouraging. Read the Bible online with biblestudycompany.com. We will all do better when love is patient love is kind. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in times of trouble. With daily bible devotions, I grow. The gifts of the holy spirit are for every day. Online bible study is so helpful. Biblestudycompany is a free online bible. With so many books of the bible, I can grow. We love inspirational bible verses in daily Bible reading.
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Join Ric Joyner of Bible Study Company in a prayer and worship time through King David's Psalm 4. We often read through the Psalms without taking the time to pray them back to the Lord. This practice can show us how to be worshipful and repentant for issues in our own life. Go deep. Get honest with God. Tell Him your scariest fears and what you are struggling with, and even, who. He knows. He wants you to worship Him through the trials. To use current day vernacular; HE'S GOT THIS even if you don't. But fear not He is with you.
For Search Engines: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com. Bible verses of faith are of interest as well. Even bible verses about hope are helpful. Bible verses about women are encouraging. Read the Bible online with biblestudycompany.com. We will all do better when love is patient love is kind. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in times of trouble. With daily bible devotions, I grow. The gifts of the holy spirit are for every day. Online bible study is so helpful. biblestudycompany is a free online bible. With so many books of the bible, I can grow. We love inspirational bible verses in daily Bible reading.
See full post & commentsWorship with us in Psalms 1-4. We are reading the scripture back to the Lord and making it our own.
What is your concept of worship? Going to church and listening to "nice" songs that you can sing to the Lord? The majority of the Psalms were written by David to worship the Lord. Why? Because the current king, Saul, spent many years trying to kill David! I could imagine David thinking: "Lord, You chose me to be king, but people are chasing me to kill me...this makes no sense?" Going through these trials caused David to learn dependence on the Lord. Will we in our testing? How do we worship in trials when everything in our being is screaming: "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME, LORD?!" At this very moment in our emotional turmoil, this is where we can grab Psalms and read them back to the Lord. Psalms are about worshiping THE ONE IN CONTROL when we lose control.
Trials and tough times require us to dig down...like a well...and learn to tell God everything. He already knows, but He wants to be with us through hard times because if we learn to worship and respond correctly, we will grow in Him. It is a challenge few people will undertake.
The Children of Israel in the Exodus continually complained when faced with trials. In Heb 3:10 this scripture shows how angry the Lord was with their attitude. He was trying to bring them to the promised land. When confronted by real fear for our desperate needs, how will we respond? Worship using Psalms! Please share so that we can grow.
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Bible Study: Does your church teach you to study the bible? Mark and Lorri Lorentz join us for table talk!
Mark and Lorri Lorentz join Ric and Mary Joyner for a discussion on studying the bible and why churches typically do not teach people to study the bible. Our conversation then leads us to why the church may be "getting off the rails" and why pewsitters may be ill-equipped for the great apostasy (falling away) that is upon us. We then have a short bible study to put in BSC principles and action steps for study.
We then do a short bible study applying the principles we learned from the last podcast.
Join us for the podcast for pewsitters: Mark and Lorri Lorentz
For a link to the 20 steps of bible study article go here: https://biblestudycompany.com/files/Howtostudythebible2.pdf
See full post & commentsThis is a tough Psalm for David. When we have troubles in our life, sometimes they are a consequence of our own actions even if we have repented and turned back toward God from the evil of the consequence. Absolam is attempting to steal David's throne by disrespecting his father David. Psalms are born in trials and troubles.
Will we learn to worship during these times? Will we trust God or become angry and depend on ourselves? As you learn with us to worship in Psalms, go read the story of David and Absolam. It is a tragedy for Absolam and David. But David, unlike Absolam, is restored. Why? Because David turned to the Lord, AS HE WAS BEING CHASED OUT OF HIS KINGDOM! Read the Psalm while reading the story. But look on your own life and make it your own through praying it back to the Lord. Absolam was in rebellion to God. His name means "Father of Peace". Peace in Hebrew has a very deep context to it. But the best peace we can have is peace with God through salvation and repentance. Absolam was not acting toward his father with peace nor with God. He was rebelling against two fathers! Will we? Join us for this wonderful Psalm to learn to worship which is our highest calling.
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So many times we read the Psalms but don't give much thought to praying through them.
The example King David is giving us, on how to have an honest relationship with the Lord during our failures and successes should be an inspiration to us all.
Please join us as we walk through this wonderful Psalm and pray it back to the Lord.
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How we learned to study with Dr. Baruch of Loveisrael.org
We are in our study of Exodus. This is a picture of our Christian life. You can take Exodus themes and trace them into the Gospels. Exodus is a book of redemption. And so are the gospels. Mary and I realized as we got to Exodus 4, that this is where we started to learn to study with Dr. Baruch. What are the steps? We prefer not to use formalized steps because too much of Christian teaching is based on "the 10 easy steps" of this or that. We can safely say that God isn't a "step". He is our Maker, Creator of the Universe and expects us to walk before Him with a commitment to His word and working with Him on our sin (Titus 2:11-12). He paid a horrible price to redeem us from our sin and our eternal death and we want to give back to Him our love and stop our former evil life. "If you love me you will obey My commandments". John 14:15. If we love Him we will obey. What do we do? Start to study the bible. John 1 says "The Word was made flesh"! We can be disciples if we follow Christ. We can then make the case that studying the bible is following Christ.
Our podcast is about the "steps" or the actions we take in our study. A synopsis is; we study before referring to any commentary. Then we check with Dr. Baruch in biblestudycompany.com videos and compare our "try" with his knowledge. We then make adjustments in our study and growth. Rinse and repeat. Join Ric and Mary Joyner of Podcast for Pewsitters to find out the steps of how we study with Dr. Baruch. Please share.
For a link to the steps article go here: https://biblestudycompany.com/files/Howtostudythebible2.pdf
For Search Engines: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com. Bible verses of faith are of interest as well. Even bible verses about hope are helpful. Bible verses about women are encouraging. Read the Bible online with biblestudycompany.com. We will all do better when love is patient love is kind. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in times of trouble. With daily bible devotions, I grow. The gifts of the holy spirit are for every day. Online bible study is so helpful. biblestudycompany is a free online bible. With so many books of the bible, I can grow. We love inspirational bible verses in daily Bible reading.
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