#Romans #biblestudy #bible #Cancer #Cancersucks
Erv and I are doing bible study together on Romans. Here are some of the things you will learn.
1. The real reason Christ saves us
2. What is an apostle?
3. The giant change of mind in Paul's life about the Lord Jesus Christ
4 Being a bondservant of our Creator
5. Hope for gentiles
6. What is grace, and why do we need it?
Sad news: Erv's cancer has spread. The pancreatic cancer is in remission but has moved to the liver and limp glands. He has just started a long series of chemotherapy, but Erv is in good spirits and hopeful. The chemo helped with his pancreatic cancer, and the Docs say this will help too. But you can help. First, with prayer for help and healing. Second, he has to pay $300 per treatment for 26 treatments, and his insurance will not cover it, and he is on a limited income. Can you go to the gofundme and donate? Will you share this post and recommend people donate and pray? https://gofund.me/b5f6f9ab
Erv came to Christ over a year ago, and this is his testimony. https://youtu.be/LkqL4FZLP8E
#Bible #Biblestudy #Jesus #JesusChrist #biblestudycompany #Ephesians #Ephesiansbiblestudy
We are studying the next part of Ephesians. We learn about,
1. Redemption and what it means. The forgiveness of our trespasses (sins) against God's laws. The good news (Gospel) is that we cannot earn or work our way to a relationship with God. We need a rescue (redemption). Christ did it all.
2. It is through Christ's blood. Christ dying for our sin is how we know God came to earth. He was able to fix Adam's sin, forgive our sin 6,000 years later, and forgive the whole world's sin. Each person has an opportunity to access this forgiveness. All we need is to ask Christ to save us with a sincere heart, as Erv and Ric did.
3. Did you know we have access to knowing God's will? We do! Christ, it says of Christ,
"7 In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace 8, which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight 9, He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him"
We need to carry these verses about "who" we are in Christ. We are a new creature, and the old has passed away, as Paul says. But why are we knew? What does that mean? It means we are now in Christ, and He gives us the power (grace through His Holy Spirit) to do His will.
But what if we don't want to? Tell Him. Be honest. Have a relationship with the God of the Universe Who died for you and us. Join us for worship and study of God's word. Grab your psalms and join us to give God glory in our study. He deserves it!
Episode Summary
Walking with God will affect our family and relationships. How? When we submit to God's word He begins to work in our lives, to train us and to bring our relationships into covenant with Him.
Episode Notes
Once we begin to obey God, He begins to move in our lives and hearts. In the last podcast, we talked about the 7 things that will change in our life. We finished the first 3 points. Here are the next 4.
Exodus 4 Part 3 In Exodus 4 Part 3 we will deal with the other 4 items.
In our next podcast in Exodus 5, we see that people oppose the will of God and that we are to expect this opposition. Join Ric and Mary Joyner for this fun and interesting Scripture.
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Do you long for adventure? What if it can happen when you decide to obey God? It can and will because you were made to serve God. He will start you on a journey that will change all areas of your life.
In our previous podcast, we discussed God becoming angry at Moses's unbelief. If we want to make God angry, that is the place to start---unbelief. Denying His existence in this beautifully ordered world is foolish. But once we have asked Christ into our lives, we are going to be confronted with obedience to God's word. We were not prepared for the impact of correctly studying God's word had on our life when we first started. But this lack of understanding makes sense because Moses struggled in the beginning, and so did the disciples. Can we expect anything different? NO!
We understand from Judaism that our life, which is given to us from God, is for the express purpose of worshiping and serving God. But as our Creator, He gives us free will and then invites us to go into service to Him willingly. Rarely do people accept this call. Moses almost didn't. Will we? In these passages, our entire life is being affected by our decision to take this service from God. Sometimes we "compartmentalize" our walk with the Lord into separate focuses. We must not.
So, what are the six things that happened to Moses after he decided to start walking with the Lord?
Join us next week for the other 4 changes! Don't forget to share it with friends! Sharing helps us grow.
For Search Engines: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com. Bible verses of faith are of interest as well. Even bible verses about hope are helpful. Bible verses about women are encouraging. Read the Bible online with biblestudycompany.com. We will all do better when love is patient love is kind. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in times of trouble. With daily bible devotions, I grow. The gifts of the holy spirit are for every day. Online bible study is so helpful. Biblestudycompany is a free online bible. With so many books of the bible, I can grow. We love inspirational bible verses in daily Bible reading.
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This is a tough Psalm for David. When we have troubles in our life, sometimes they are a consequence of our own actions even if we have repented and turned back toward God from the evil of the consequence. Absolam is attempting to steal David's throne by disrespecting his father David. Psalms are born in trials and troubles.
Will we learn to worship during these times? Will we trust God or become angry and depend on ourselves? As you learn with us to worship in Psalms, go read the story of David and Absolam. It is a tragedy for Absolam and David. But David, unlike Absolam, is restored. Why? Because David turned to the Lord, AS HE WAS BEING CHASED OUT OF HIS KINGDOM! Read the Psalm while reading the story. But look on your own life and make it your own through praying it back to the Lord. Absolam was in rebellion to God. His name means "Father of Peace". Peace in Hebrew has a very deep context to it. But the best peace we can have is peace with God through salvation and repentance. Absolam was not acting toward his father with peace nor with God. He was rebelling against two fathers! Will we? Join us for this wonderful Psalm to learn to worship which is our highest calling.
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Exodus Chapter 4 Part 1 Are you an honest person?
Why do we need to study the Bible? Because God has given us the Word of God to reveal Himself to us. We discuss this fact in this podcast for pewsitters. God is outside space and time. How can we, a created being for God's purposes, understand a God, Who can create the universe by speaking it into existence? Through the Bible. WOW think about that! Isn't that truth exciting? Let's ask more questions.
Are we experiencing revelation in your bible study? Several questions we must ask ourselves.
If you are not in God's word, you can trick yourself into believing what you are doing or changing in your life is according to what God wants, but maybe our motives and maybe what WE desire vs. what God desires. Is this the way God wants us to approach the Bible? No.
We will see several progressions of Moses that we can apply to our life:
Thus, honesty to God, to ourselves and others, is paramount in our life. Psalm 32 discusses deceit in the context of sin. Blessed are those whose sin is covered!
We are made in the image of God. We reflect His righteousness out to the world. But where do we get His righteousness? From Him, and the Bible. How do we line up with the plans and purposes of God?
Do you ask questions of God from the Bible, or do you question God? Big difference.
When we line up with God's plans and purposes such as Moses in Exodus 4, we will have revelation from God. So how soon do you want to do this, and what will it cost you?
We are: An online study Bible with a social media community
Our mission: Studying Scripture to live a praiseworthy life
Our vision: That a “Company” of believers are studying Scripture to live a praiseworthy life
Our Hope: That Pew-sitters move to disciple and then to disciple teachers bearing fruit for Christ
For Search Engines: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com. Bible verses of faith are of interest as well. Even bible verses about hope are helpful. Bible verses about women are encouraging. Read the Bible online with biblestudycompany.com. We will all do better when love is patient love is kind. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in times of trouble. With daily bible devotions, I grow. The gifts of the holy spirit are for every day. Online bible study is so helpful. biblestudycompany is a free online bible. With so many books of the bible, I can grow. We love inspirational bible verses in daily Bible reading.
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What is next on the prophetic timeline and are you ready? We are to be Kingdom of God minded people. Dr. Baruch Korman at the First Annual User Conference explains how to line our lives up with God's prophetic calendar.
What is next on the prophetic calendar? People we encountered have said; "It doesn't feel right in the world, and something is wrong." We agree. There is something unsettled, and it is the events that are rising, as if from the turbulent "sea" of political chaos. Nations are indeed rising against nation and religious persecution around the world is at an all-time high. Churches seem to be oblivious to the needs of people and God's call to preach the word of God and make disciples. Can we know what is happening and when? Dr. Baruch opens up the Scripture to see the next events on God's timeline. But are you ready? Are you a Kingdom-minded person? Don't know how to be? This podcast will get you started. The first place is to get on our face before the Lord Jesus. Then ask for a new heart in our fight against sin and for help in living a praiseworthy life to Him. He wants us to be ready. That can only happen with a submitted heart to the Lord. Join us for this podcast.
For Search Engines: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com. Bible verses of faith are of interest as well. Even bible verses about hope are helpful. Bible verses about women are encouraging. Read the Bible online with biblestudycompany.com. We will all do better when love is patient love is kind. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in times of trouble. With daily bible devotions, I grow. The gifts of the holy spirit are for every day. Online bible study is so helpful. biblestudycompany is a free online bible. With so many books of the bible, I can grow. We love inspirational bible verses in daily Bible reading.
This podcast is also on youtube.com at Biblestudycompany.com first annual user conference. We discuss the purpose of bible study company that it is not just a web site and app to study the bible, but it is also a methodology of approach to the bible. The other podcasts will show you show we study and how Dr. Baruch Korman influenced our study methods. We are studying scripture to live a praiseworthy life to God. This is reflected in the scripture Titus 2:11- end of the chapter. Please share!
For Search Engines: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com. Bible verses of faith are of interest as well. Even bible verses about hope are helpful. Bible verses about women are encouraging. Read the Bible online with biblestudycompany.com. We will all do better when love is patient love is kind. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in times of trouble. With daily bible devotions, I grow. The gifts of the holy spirit are for every day. Online bible study is so helpful. biblestudycompany is a free online bible. With so many books of the bible, I can grow. We love inspirational bible verses in daily Bible reading.
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