Word Origin:
denominative verb from qetoreth
Definition: to make sacrifices smoke
NASB Translation: burn (9), burn incense (17), burn sacrifices (3), burned (5), burned incense (17), burned sacrifices (3), burning incense (4), burning sacrifices (5), burns incense (1), burnt incense (1), offer (4), offer it up in smoke (12), offer them up in smoke (6), offer up in smoke (7), offer sacrifices (2), offered (3), offered it up in smoke (2), offered them up in smoke (4), offered up in smoke (2), offered incense (1), offered sacrifices (1), offered* (1), offering up in smoke (1), offering up sacrifices (1), perfumed (1), smoke (5), surely burn (1).
NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries.
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