Word Origin: a prim. conjunction
Definition: that, for, when
NASB Translation: also (1), although (11), although* (1), because (409), because* (18), case (2), certainly (1), either (1), even (3), even though (3), event* (1), except (1), except* (21), how (12), however* (1), if (169), if* (2), inasmuch* (6), indeed (61), indeed* (1), last* (1), more of her than* (1), more than* (1), more* (1), moreover* (1), much more* (8), much* (10), nevertheless (1), nevertheless* (4), nor* (1), now (3), only* (7), or (1), rather (5), rather i indeed (1), rather* (12), seeing (1), since (38), since* (1), so (2), soon (1), still* (1), surely (63), surely* (8), than (1), than* (2), then (2), then* (1), though (37), though* (2), truly (5), unless* (10), until* (5), what* (1), when (241), when* (1), whenever (1), while (2), without* (2), Yea (1), yes (2), yet (7).
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