Strong's 5414 Occurrences

KJV: He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.
NASB: He has given freely to the poor, His righteousness endures forever; His horn will be exalted in honor.
KJV: Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake.
NASB: Not to us, O LORD, not to us, But to Your name give glory Because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth.
KJV: The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
NASB: The heavens are the heavens of the LORD, But the earth He has given to the sons of men.
KJV: The LORD hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.
NASB: The LORD has disciplined me severely, But He has not given me over to death.
KJV: The wicked have laid a snare for me: yet I erred not from thy precepts.
NASB: The wicked have laid a snare for me, Yet I have not gone astray from Your precepts.
KJV: What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue?
NASB: What shall be given to you, and what more shall be done to you, You deceitful tongue?
KJV: He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
NASB: He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.
KJV: Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.
NASB: Blessed be the LORD, Who has not given us to be torn by their teeth.
KJV: It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.
NASB: It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.
KJV: I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids,
NASB: I will not give sleep to my eyes Or slumber to my eyelids,