Strong's 1961 Occurrences

KJV: For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.
NASB: For the material they had was sufficient and more than enough for all the work, to perform it.
KJV: And the cherubims spread out their wings on high, and covered with their wings over the mercy seat, with their faces one to another; even to the mercy seatward were the faces of the cherubims.
NASB: The cherubim had their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings, with their faces toward each other; the faces of the cherubim were toward the mercy seat.
KJV: And he made the horns thereof on the four corners of it; the horns thereof were of the same: and he overlaid it with brass.
NASB: He made its horns on its four corners, its horns being of one piece with it, and he overlaid it with bronze.
KJV: And thou shalt anoint them, as thou didst anoint their father, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office: for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations.
NASB: and you shall anoint them even as you have anointed their father, that they may minister as priests to Me; and their anointing will qualify them for a perpetual priesthood throughout their generations."
KJV: And the priest shall make an atonement for him as touching his sin that he hath sinned in one of these, and it shall be forgiven him: and the remnant shall be the priest's, as a meat offering.
NASB: So the priest shall make atonement for him concerning his sin which he has committed from one of these, and it will be forgiven him; then the rest shall become the priest's, like the grain offering.'"
KJV: As the sin offering is, so is the trespass offering: there is one law for them: the priest that maketh atonement therewith shall have it.
NASB: 'The guilt offering is like the sin offering, there is one law for them; the priest who makes atonement with it shall have it.
KJV: And the priest that offereth any man's burnt offering, even the priest shall have to himself the skin of the burnt offering which he hath offered.
NASB: 'Also the priest who presents any man's burnt offering, that priest shall have for himself the skin of the burnt offering which he has presented.
KJV: And all the meat offering that is baken in the oven, and all that is dressed in the fryingpan, and in the pan, shall be the priest's that offereth it.
NASB: 'Likewise, every grain offering that is baked in the oven and everything prepared in a pan or on a griddle shall belong to the priest who presents it.
KJV: And every meat offering, mingled with oil, and dry, shall all the sons of Aaron have, one as much as another.
NASB: 'Every grain offering, mixed with oil or dry, shall belong to all the sons of Aaron, to all alike.
KJV: And of it he shall offer one out of the whole oblation for an heave offering unto the LORD, and it shall be the priest's that sprinkleth the blood of the peace offerings.
NASB: 'Of this he shall present one of every offering as a contribution to the LORD; it shall belong to the priest who sprinkles the blood of the peace offerings.