Strong's 1 Occurrences

KJV: And he walked in all the sins of his father, which he had done before him: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father.
NASB: He walked in all the sins of his father which he had committed before him; and his heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD his God, like the heart of his father David.
KJV: And Abijam slept with his fathers; and they buried him in the city of David: and Asa his son reigned in his stead.
NASB: And Abijam slept with his fathers and they buried him in the city of David; and Asa his son became king in his place.
KJV: And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his father.
NASB: Asa did what was right in the sight of the LORD, like David his father.
KJV: And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
NASB: He also put away the male cult prostitutes from the land and removed all the idols which his fathers had made.
KJV: And he brought in the things which his father had dedicated, and the things which himself had dedicated, into the house of the LORD, silver, and gold, and vessels.
NASB: He brought into the house of the LORD the dedicated things of his father and his own dedicated things: silver and gold and utensils.
KJV: There is a league between me and thee, and between my father and thy father: behold, I have sent unto thee a present of silver and gold; come and break thy league with Baasha king of Israel, that he may depart from me.
NASB: "Let there be a treaty between you and me, as between my father and your father. Behold, I have sent you a present of silver and gold; go, break your treaty with Baasha king of Israel so that he will withdraw from me."
KJV: And Asa slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his stead.
NASB: And Asa slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father; and Jehoshaphat his son reigned in his place.