I’m not sure if this is a well informed perspective or not. Maybe I need to sort out and throw out...
I’m not sure if this is a well informed perspective or not. Maybe I need to sort out and throw out some misunderstandings. This is my spiritual perspective on a more secular issue so please feel free to correct it question my thoughts. Reading a really interesting book called “The Morville Hours” by Katherine Swift. It’s hard to explain but is organized around the concept of “The Book of the Hours”, which from what I can gather is an ancient monastic prayer book that basically outlined the year not only spiritually in terms of prayers and feast days but also physically in terms of tasks to do related to gardening and farming. I think God is addressing things for me as sort through my thoughts but maybe I’m being totally confused and just need to stop reading the book. What is so striking to me is that I can better understand, I think, the depth of involvement God gave His people through the seasonal nature of the Feast Days. I think you can kind of get it because it seems like these books were trying to do the same thing but on their own calendar mixed in with pagan traditions and history. Anyway, you have to be discerning, but I think it’s pretty revealing in a way because it’s an attempt to copy but replace what God commands in scripture. It makes me think there’s just something intuitive for human beings about having such a calendar- like He gave us something spiritual that we naturally need and will necessarily replicate and replace somehow if we don’t use His - always counterfeit to semi-appease us. It’s also revealing to see how controlling such a thing can be, so kind of interesting to compare and contrast what people do or could do with such influence and consider that compared to God’s nature and intentions for us . On some very real but spiritual level, I really think what God commands us to do is the most natural for us. His commands help us live naturally - think it’s important we see that. Though we war against the flesh in our fallen state making His commands seem and feel unnatural; I really believe Gods commands for us are about knowing how to live more naturally within the nature of His creation as He wills it to be. who we are made to naturally be is pictured when we are obeying His commands. We just need them, I think, because we have fallen. They ties in them to why the Torah will come to an end - we will finally be as we were made to be, no need for the “how to”. I think it’s helpful to consider if maybe on some greater spiritual level what’s unnatural is actually us - our freshly nature, which is now corrupt and perverse. I think you can also better see the difference between man’s authority apart from God- why it always reverts to (oppression) verses what Gods authority in our lives leads us to (freedom) as well. You can kind of get a sense of Christ’s authority and its nature verses the anti-Christ’s authority and its nature. Here’s the fundamental truth in all this - people need instructions to find their way to God’s place for them in creation because we are not naturally born into it, so people will always seek direction and commands from someone in their system of need and displacement. We seek them out if not from Him than someone who is not God. We open ourselves up to tyranny and oppression when submitting to ungodly authority God created us, yet has no need for us. We have nothing to give Him or do for Him, but He made us anyway. Every other created being has some need or want to meet that they can use and exploit us for….in the natural with God, we have more freedom because in some way greater we can more fully exist, paradoxically, for ourselves because He has nothing to gain from us. In the natural with man’s authority apart from God, we always lose because as opposed to God, they always have something to gain from us. I just think it’s interesting - who sacrifices in Gods way is truly only Him. It’s almost sad how much we ultimately do for ourselves when choosing to serve Him because you see you can never really do anything for Him. I don’t know exactly where I’m going with this, something about justice and what’s truly natural for people as created in the image of God and how far we are from who we are supposed to be, and also how evil exploits that need for His way and misdirects it. I’m noting it for myself and sharing because when ever I run into these paradoxes it seems like there’s something that helps me move forward more clearly.
Another consideration - what we have done with Gods command for us to work since the fall. Think about what is the major drive in our science, technology, politics,….I really think it’s to first, make our work easier (kind of rebellious in nature) and then also to prevent ourselves from suffering and dying generally… how much of those drives have dictated mankind’s existence. - how rebellious is our existence as mankind at its heart then, and how has our refusal to submit or try to escape the truths of these spiritual laws and His instructions hindered and hurt us. I really think a lot of what we perceive as injustice and oppressive stems back to something as fundamental as I don’t want to suffer and die and work - we as mankind have dedicated our time to trying to escape the curse that we ultimately have no choice but to submit to instead of submitting to God. I really think that’s the extent of what mankind has done with our time here on this earth. I also think if you look at it, in trying to escape it, we always exploit other people. Someone always has to pay the cost or suffer the loss. How much of our lives are consumed by things that prevent us from having to deal with reality and how much suffering do those things cause? For example how much more unnatural our exploitive is work to us now than in the beginning when it was first commanded just because we have focused on lessening our workload instead of accepting it? How many diseases have we caused, environmental problems, emotional problems, crime,…,just because we don’t want to work, die, or accept our suffering? I don’t know just things that I have thought about and gets at an interesting issue between what’s natural or unnatural for us as it relates to our fallen state compared to our redeemed state and how Gods way stands apart. How much more work, suffering, and death have we caused than lessened or alleviated in refusing to accept the state we are in that requires us to work, suffer, and die? God is not the one who changes because He’s not the One who needs to, and most of human existence, progress, history,… seems to be characterized by us trying to change something we can’t because it’s a consequence of the fall - us trying to change what God put in place, consequences after the fall. Just think it’s interesting to see the things a bit differently recently. Part of this is because I think I’m a bit more of an environmentalist than many believers. I really do think what man has made has caused environmental problems because I do think most of what we have created and called progress was an effort to avoid the laws of God and the consequences of the fall to outdo Him. We have, as such, introduced what’s unnatural into this world, and in my mind I think that ties into all of this. I do think there is a struggle between us and God relating to submitting to work, suffering, and death that has effected the earth. I think man sitting at a computer all day or using his mind to try and outdo the laws of nature verses growing things, working with his hands to build things using God’s natural provision to protect and provide for a family, generally simply agreeing to the state of our existence and seeking God and what He gives to meet our needs has caused a lot more physical consequences than we can imagine. I also think we need to hear what people opposite of us politically are saying on this issue instead of think they’re just crazy because, Biblically, we can see there has to be a point we agree we have enough and submit to our circumstances, depending on God instead of trying to work against Him. Anyway, unusual post, but these are places I struggle with the lines being drawn politically and forced on me socially as a believer. Maybe someone can see and advise me if I’m missing something or seeing things wrongly. It’s not that I think we can’t use what He gave us creatively with dominion to bless and abound in, it’s that our goal of avoiding work and suffering and death has been too much of the motivation behind what we have done and made. That’s where I wander how much more pointless work, suffering, and death we are causing in the natural world. I just don’t think the way we are living is at all natural either spiritually or physically and think maybe that’s what some people who we refuse to hear are noticing. Maybe it’s a place satan is highjacking. Consider why is that globalists have taken over the environmentalist agenda when globalism is contrary to environmentalism - the two do not align. when I see those kind of contradicting but ungodly forces coming together, I always think there’s some place in the conversation that believers are not showing up because there’s something we could be addressing from Gods perspective if there is a such fundamental disunity. We’re missing an opportunity to connect with people and their fears are being highjacked for evil instead of us addressing and acknowledging them in a Godly heart. People are agreeing to be oppressed by man out of fear because they see something they don’t have the spiritual context to understand and I don’t think Christian’s are willing to listen to them so I don’t personally see anywhere the need and fear is addressed in a Godly way. They are fundamentally right that this world is not what it’s supposed to be and man’s activity has harmed this creation. I think they see it, but without spiritual understanding abc we aren’t finding our place in the conversation. That’s my observation based on reading this book thinking about how people have historically tried to meet their own needs apart from God’s word. As complicated as I make it sound because I’m bad at explaining things clearly and ramble, I don’t think we are nearly as complex as we credit ourselves for being. It’s about the needs that we have to help us reach for God, how we have spent the vast majority of our existence as mankind trying to meet those needs apart from Him, and how evil then has acted to distract, redirect and misdirect that struggle when Gods people leave a void. Anyway, reminds me not to dismiss what the youth of the world are saying and to really consider where is it God is giving us to reach them. I think it’s a huge breach we are leaving open for the enemy.
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