Started going through my little study journals I’ve kept for last 8-10 years just to see if there’s...
Started going through my little study journals I’ve kept for last 8-10 years just to see if there’s things I want to keep and things to throw away. Been pretty good for me to see where I was prideful, foolish, or where I’ve forgotten and have kind of fallen away. Anyway, going to share some of them as I go through.
I’ve lately had some anger about what God isn’t doing or allows, specifically as it comes to children. I’m to the point where I let myself kind of think it through instead of running from it though. Here’s my conclusion; well, if it’s going to be this bad, just destroy the nation. I start praying that God calls the kids in this country His, chastises the parents, and tears down the systems because seems like the kids would be better off if the country isn’t functional enough to force what they are calling an education on them. I’m not sure how to rightly evaluate that feeling, but think it’s coming from conviction but maybe anger or fear.
Anyway, if I’m honest, I’m struggling with anger about why God allows kids to be so undermined before they can think for themselves. I still have a hard time letting it go (maybe someone can offer advice or correction how to see this differently), but found this from 9/20/17 that helped a little.
Job 42: 1-7
Then Job answered the LORD and said: I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Listen, please, and let me speak; You said, ‘I will question you, and you shall answer
Me.’ “ I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and
This was in response to Job 40:2, before God describes what He’s made and His existence beyond us He asks
“Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? He who rebukes God, let him answer
At the time I journaled this I realized the only answer anyone can give God is repentance and humility; trust and gratitude.
Today I realized that behind all of this business between Job and God and Job and satan; Job never considers that it’s satan doing all this to him. He keeps it between Him and God, and I think satan wants it that way as well, but in the opposite way God does. satan wants Job to blame God. God wants Job to fear Him. Just interesting to think what God is doing by not revealing satan’s activity I think.
Beyond all of it though, you can really just see that God protects us. He doesn’t owe us anything, so He doesn’t have to do anything. That’s just, but what we don’t realize is if He doesn’t do anything, we’re helpless to a spiritual world and a corrupted flesh we cannot defend ourselves against. Even other people are no help because they too did not understand how dependent they are on what God does. We have it backwards. We are not owed a good life. We are dependent on Him for the chance of one. He removes Himself; we suffer and die. But God doesn’t have to do anything for us to lose. That’s the nature of being in a lost state.
It’s almost like Job couldn’t see how much God does and was doing until He’s stopped doing it. I think that’s interesting. God not doing vs God doing and how we are a direct reflection of that grace and sovereignty. Now consider what Job suffered just by God not protecting Him, to what it will be when the world suffers at His hand. Makes the book of Revelations more real to me that way.
In all of that, there’s wisdom in Job’s awareness that it’s all in the Lord’s hands, but God is being blamed or defended (His character drawn into question or flattered in faithlessness) because of what satan’s doing. Yet God never defends Himself as people naturally do - don’t blame Me, it was him. He just keeps it between Him and Job. We really do have to trust that all things work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
As Job stated in Job 2, “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?”
Trusting God’s character is a very basic struggle underneath all of this I think.
I realize God doesn’t have to do anything for us to suffer, die, experience injustice and evil. It’s that we need Him to do something for us not to. And so, I understand how He has nothing to defend Himself for. Just changes my perspective a little, though I still struggle with children being left in the hands of evil.
I think where I’m really struggling is that I don’t really understand how helpless we all are maybe. But the innocence of children compared to adults who can choose, refuse, … is where I still can’t understand.
This has been a huge obstacle for my faith for years I now see. I think about trusting God with my kids and kids generally and you’re supposed to somehow let it go, but that feels selfish. Like well I know I’m ok, so best of luck to you while the works sets itself up against you is how it feels. It feels selfish just to rest in your own salvation to me when it comes to kids. Anyway, huge issue for my faith for years and find myself getting angry at God for what looks like letting us go on at their expense.
What I do see more clearly is that this is just a consequence of us refusing God’s help and not recognizing our dependence on His protection and provision. He’s not doing it, but He allows it. That’s my obstacle on this.
Anyway, another insight I saw that helps me on this topic a bit is to see that a fundamental method of satan is to incite us into doubting God’s character by blaming Him for what satan does. Just interesting to consider why God allows satan to act because then you see something pretty eye opening for me- He allows him to act because of us. I think it’s helpful to consider what God taught satan, Job’s friends as well as what Job himself learned. satan gained nothing in all of that. God was better regarded, Job was blessed, and also his friends, and all people involved humbled. But look who tried so hard but was never even mentioned amongst the people. Kind of revealing I think.
Sometimes I think there’s going to be a small but mighty group growing up in this generation that are going to be like Paul in how sold out they are to Jesus. I sometimes think they’re going to really understand justice and injustice; truth and lies, and what they stood to lose because of what we are teaching and not teaching. It seems like there has to be based on what we see in the scriptures and know about God. There has to be some kids who come out of this confusion full of faith and conviction I think.
I don’t know but always come back to, “Lord, call these kids your own. Knock the parents, teachers, and the government down. I hope we see out of the mouths of babes and infants praise that puts the adults in this nation to
shame.” That sounds extreme but when you consider what they’re forcing on our kids, I really don’t think it is. Not when adults and institutions are being a source of spiritual wounds, confusion, and oppression acting to separate them from God.
Anyway, working through what’s faith, conviction, anger, or fear. Feedback welcome