Hi Everyone,
Bible Study Company has a new nonprofit. The name is Praiseworthy Life. We hope you will consider supporting the ministry to keep BSC free to users. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/2RL9zTm
We have grown over the last two years to 1300 plus Facebook followers and literally thousands of views on podcasts and videos. Several hundred visit the website, and we have 413 users to date. A user is someone who logs in and takes notes. Through BSC the gospel is going forward, especially in these dark times. The purposes of asking for support are:
1. Monthly expenses to run a website and,
2. Create new features and,
3. Create content for the BSC, and that can be distributed to spread discipleship and the gospel message
Bible Study Company is a community of believers studying scripture to live a praiseworthy life to Jesus Christ. To be a disciple we need to take the posture of obedience to His Word and Christ is the Word.
We are: An online study Bible with a social media community
Our mission: Studying Scripture to live a praiseworthy life
Our vision: That a “Company” of believers are studying Scripture to live a praiseworthy life
Our Hope: That Pew-sitters move to disciple and then to disciple teachers bearing fruit for Christ
BSC is not just an e-reader but an online STUDY BIBLE. Here is a short video that discusses the features and is for presenting at a fellowship or group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxmZGDipIjA&t=35s
Thank you for supporting us!
Ric and Mary Joyner