American Standard Version

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1 Peter




Ye husbands, in like manner, dwell with your wives according to knowledge, giving honor unto the woman, as unto the weaker vessel, as being also joint-heirs of the grace of life; to the end that your prayers be not hindered.

Parallel Verses

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American Standard Version Ye husbands, in like manner, dwell with your wives according to knowledge, giving honor unto the woman, as unto the weaker vessel, as being also joint-heirs of the grace of life; to the end that your prayers be not hindered.
King James Bible Ye Likewise, ye husbands, in like manner, dwell with your wives them according to knowledge, giving honor honour unto the woman, wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being also joint-heirs heirs together of the grace of life; to the end that your prayers be not hindered.
Berean Bible Ye husbands, in like manner, dwell Husbands do likewise, dwelling with your wives them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the woman, as unto the with a weaker vessel, with the female, rendering honor as being also joint-heirs also of the grace of life; to the end that life, so as for your prayers be not to be hindered.
Hebrew Greek English Ye husbands, You husbands in like manner, dwell the same way, live with your wives according to knowledge, giving in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor unto the woman, as unto the weaker vessel, as being also joint-heirs a fellow heir of the grace of life; to the end life, so that your prayers be will not be hindered.
New American Standard Bible 1995 Ye husbands, You husbands in like manner, dwell the same way, live with your wives according to knowledge, giving in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor unto the woman, as unto the weaker vessel, as being also joint-heirs a fellow heir of the grace of life; to the end life, so that your prayers be will not be hindered.