King James Bible

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Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.


Verse part Definition: Part of speech: Strong's: Greek: Transliteration:
a man a certain one, someone, anyone IPro-NMS H5100 τις tis (tis)
hast to have, hold V-PIA-1S H2192 ἔχεις echo (ekh'-o)
faith, faith, faithfulness N-AFS H4102 πίστιν pistis (pis'-tis)
have to have, hold V-PIA-1S H2192 ἔχω echo (ekh'-o)
works, work N-GNP H2041 ἔργα ergon (er'-gon)
shew to show V-FIA-1S H1166 δείξον deiknuo (dike-noo'-o)
faith faith, faithfulness N-AFS H4102 πίστιν pistis (pis'-tis)
works. work N-GNP H2041 ἔργων ergon (er'-gon)
will shew to show V-FIA-1S H1166 δείξω deiknuo (dike-noo'-o)
faith faith, faithfulness N-AFS H4102 πίστιν pistis (pis'-tis)
works: work N-GNP H2041 ἔργων ergon (er'-gon)

Parallel Verses

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Added text
King James Bible Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
Berean Bible Yea, a man may But someone will say, Thou hast “You have faith, and I have works: shew works.” Show me thy your faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my show you faith by my works.
Hebrew Greek English Yea, a man But someone may well say, Thou hast faith, "You have faith and I have works: shew works; show me thy your faith without thy the works, and I will shew thee show you my faith by my works."
New American Standard Bible 1995 Yea, a man But someone may well say, Thou hast faith, "You have faith and I have works: shew works; show me thy your faith without thy the works, and I will shew thee show you my faith by my works."