Berean Bible

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1 Thessalonians




so as for you to became an example to all the believing ones in Macedonia and in Achaia.


Verse part Definition: Part of speech: Strong's: Greek: Transliteration:
so as for So that, therefore, so then, so as to. Conj H5620 ὥστε ōste
to became To come into being, to be born, become, come about, happen. V-ANM H1096 γενέσθαι genesthai
an example (originally: the mark of a blow, then a stamp struck by a die), (a) a figure; a copy, image, (b) a pattern, model, (c) a type, prefiguring something or somebody. N-AMS H5179 τύπον tupon
to all All, the whole, every kind of. Adj-DMP H3956 πᾶσιν pasin
believing [ones] To believe, have faith in, trust in; pass: to be entrusted with. V-PPA-DMP H4100 πιστεύουσιν pisteuousin
Macedonia (Hebrew), Macedonia, a Roman province north of Achaia (Greece). N-DFS H3109 Μακεδονίὰ makedonia
Read more about: Macedonia
Achaia. The Roman Province Achaia, governed by a proconsul, and practically conterminous with modern Greece before 1912. N-DFS H882 Αχαΐᾳ achaia
Read more about: Achaia



ACHAIAa-ka'-ya (Achaia): The smallest country in the Peloponnesus lying along the southern shore of the Corinthian Gulf, north of Arcadia and east of Elis. The original inhabitants were Ionians, but these were crowded out later by the Acheans, who came from the East. According to Herodotus, the former founded twelve cities, many of which retain their origina... View Details


MACEDONIAmas-e-do'-ni-a (Makedonia, ethnic Makedon,):I. THE MACEDONIAN PEOPLE AND LANDII. HISTORY OF MACEDONIA1. Philip and Alexander2. Roman Intervention3. Roman Conquest4. Macedonia a Roman Province5. Later HistoryIII. PAUL AND MACEDONIA1. Paul's First Visit2. Paul's Second Visit3. Paul's Third Visit4. Paul's Later VisitsIV. THE MACEDONIAN CHURCH1. Promine... View Details

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Berean Bible so as for you to became an example to all the believing ones in Macedonia and in Achaia.
King James Bible so as for you to became an example So that ye were ensamples to all the believing ones that believe in Macedonia and in Achaia.
Hebrew Greek English so as for that you to became an example to all the believing ones believers in Macedonia and in Achaia.
New American Standard Bible 1995 so as for that you to became an example to all the believing ones believers in Macedonia and in Achaia.