Berean Bible

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1 Thessalonians




Paul and Silvanus and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.


Verse part Definition: Part of speech: Strong's: Greek: Transliteration:
Paul Paul, Paulus. N-NMS H3972 Παῦλος paulos


Silvanus Silvanus, a Roman citizen and a helper of Paul. N-NMS H4610 Σιλουανὸς silouanos
Timothy, Timothy, a Christian of Lystra, helper of Paul. N-NMS H5095 Τιμόθεος timotheos
church An assembly, congregation, church; the Church, the whole body of Christian believers. N-DFS H1577 ἐκκλησίᾳ ekklēsia
of the Thessalonians A Thessalonian. N-GMP H2331 Θεσσαλονικέων thessalonikeōn
God (a) God, (b) a god, generally. N-GMS H2316 θεῷ theō

God God God

[the] Father Father, (Heavenly) Father, ancestor, elder, senior. N-GMS H3962 πατρὶ patri
[the] Lord Lord, master, sir; the Lord. N-GMS H2962 κυρίῳ kuriō
Read more about: Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord
Jesus Jesus; the Greek form of Joshua; Jesus, son of Eliezer; Jesus, surnamed Justus. N-GMS H2424 Ἰησοῦ iēsou
Read more about: Jesus
Christ: Anointed One; the Messiah, the Christ. N-GMS H5547 Χριστῷ christō
Grace (a) grace, as a gift or blessing brought to man by Jesus Christ, (b) favor, (c) gratitude, thanks, (d) a favor, kindness. N-NFS H5485 χάρις charis
peace. Peace, peace of mind; invocation of peace a common Jewish farewell, in the Hebraistic sense of the health (welfare) of an individual. N-NFS H1515 εἰρήνη eirēnē



Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.  


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details

Parallel Verses

Removed text
Added text
Berean Bible Paul and Silvanus and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.
King James Bible Paul Paul, and Silvanus Silvanus, and Timothy, To Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you be unto you, and peace.peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hebrew Greek English Paul and Silvanus and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.
New American Standard Bible 1995 Paul and Silvanus and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.