American Standard Version

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turn you, and take your journey, and go to the hill-country of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the Arabah, in the hill-country, and in the lowland, and in the South, and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.


Euphrates River

EUPHRATESu-fra'-tez (perath; Euphrates, "the good and abounding river"):The longest (1,780 miles) and most important stream of Western Asia, generally spoken of in the Old Testament as "the river" (Exodus 23:31 Deuteronomy 11:24).Its description naturally falls into 3 divisions-the upper, middle and lower. The upper division traverses the mountainous plateau... View Details


LEBANONleb'-a-non (lebanon; Septuagint Libanos; Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) Libanus):1. Name:Derived from the root labhen, "to be white," probably from the snow which covers its summits the greater part of the year. "White mountains" are found in almost every country. The light color of the upper limestone may, however, form a sufficient rea... View Details

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American Standard Version turn you, and take your journey, and go to the hill-country of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the Arabah, in the hill-country, and in the lowland, and in the South, and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.
King James Bible turn Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the hill-country mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the Arabah, plain, in the hill-country, hills, and in the lowland, vale, and in the South, south, and by the sea-shore, sea side, to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, as far as unto the great river, the river Euphrates.
Hebrew Greek English turn you, 'Turn and take set your journey, and go to the hill-country hill country of the Amorites, and unto to all the places nigh thereunto, their neighbors in the Arabah, in the hill-country, hill country and in the lowland, lowland and in the South, Negev and by the sea-shore, seacoast, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.
New American Standard Bible 1995 turn you, 'Turn and take set your journey, and go to the hill-country hill country of the Amorites, and unto to all the places nigh thereunto, their neighbors in the Arabah, in the hill-country, hill country and in the lowland, lowland and in the South, Negev and by the sea-shore, seacoast, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.