American Standard Version

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For before that certain came from James, he ate with the Gentiles; but when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing them that were of the circumcision.



James [N] [H] [S]   The son of Zebedee and Salome; an elder brother of John the apostle. He was one of the twelve. He was by trade a fisherman, in partnership with Peter ( Matthew 20:20 ;  27:56 ). With John and Peter he was present at the transfiguration ( Matthew 17:1 ;  Mark 9:2 ), at the raising of Jairus's daughter ( Mark 5:37-43 ), and in the garden with our... View Details


James [N] [H] [S]   The son of Zebedee and Salome; an elder brother of John the apostle. He was one of the twelve. He was by trade a fisherman, in partnership with Peter ( Matthew 20:20 ;  27:56 ). With John and Peter he was present at the transfiguration ( Matthew 17:1 ;  Mark 9:2 ), at the raising of Jairus's daughter ( Mark 5:37-43 ), and in the garden with our... View Details


James [N] [H] [S]   The son of Zebedee and Salome; an elder brother of John the apostle. He was one of the twelve. He was by trade a fisherman, in partnership with Peter ( Matthew 20:20 ;  27:56 ). With John and Peter he was present at the transfiguration ( Matthew 17:1 ;  Mark 9:2 ), at the raising of Jairus's daughter ( Mark 5:37-43 ), and in the garden with our... View Details

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American Standard Version For before that certain came from James, he ate with the Gentiles; but when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing them that were of the circumcision.
King James Bible For before that certain came from James, he ate did eat with the Gentiles; Gentiles: but when they came, were come, he drew back withdrew and separated himself, fearing them that which were of the circumcision.
Berean Bible For before that certain ones came from James, he ate had been eating with the Gentiles; but Gentiles. But when they came, he drew was drawing back and separated was separating himself, fearing them that were being afraid of those of the circumcision.
Hebrew Greek English For before that prior to the coming of certain came men from James, he ate used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he drew back began to withdraw and separated himself, hold himself aloof, fearing them that were the party of the circumcision.
New American Standard Bible 1995 For before that prior to the coming of certain came men from James, he ate used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he drew back began to withdraw and separated himself, hold himself aloof, fearing them that were the party of the circumcision.