American Standard Version

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neither went I up to Jerusalem to them that were apostles before me: but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned unto Damascus.



ARABIA a-ra'-bi-a (`arabh, Arabia): I. NAME AND SITUATION 1. Name 2. Situation and Configuration II. PHYSICAL FEATURES 1. The Desert 2. Climate 3. Mountains 4. Rivers 5. Oases and Wells III. POLITICAL DIVISIONS 1. Ancient Divisions 2. Modern Divisions 3. Political Situation 4. Chief Towns IV. FLORA AND FAUN... View Details


DAMASCUSda-mas'-kus:1. The Name2. Situation and Natural Features3. The City Itself4. Its History(1) The Early Period (to circa 950 B.C.)(2) The Aramean Kingdom (circa 950-732 B.C.)(3) The Middle Period (732 B.C.-650 A.D.)(4) Under Islam1. Name:The English name is the same as the Greek Damaskos. The Hebrew name is Dammeseq, but the Aramaic form Darmeseq, occu... View Details


JERUSALEMje-roo'-sa-lem:I. THE NAME1. In Cuneiform2. In Hebrew3. In Greek and Latin4. The Meaning of Jerusalem5. Other NamesII. GEOLOGY, CLIMATE AND SPRINGS1. Geology2. Climate and Rainfall3. The Natural SpringsIII. THE NATURAL SITE1. The Mountains Around2. The Valleys3. The HillsIV. GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY OF JERUSALEM1. Description of Josephus2. Summary of the... View Details

Parallel Verses

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American Standard Version neither went I up to Jerusalem to them that were apostles before me: but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned unto Damascus.
King James Bible neither Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them that which were apostles before me: me; but I went away into Arabia; Arabia, and again I returned again unto Damascus.
Berean Bible neither went nor did I go up to Jerusalem to them that were the apostles before me: me, but I went away into Arabia; Arabia and again I returned unto again to Damascus.
Hebrew Greek English neither went nor did I go up to Jerusalem to them that those who were apostles before me: me; but I went away into Arabia; to Arabia, and again I returned unto once more to Damascus.
New American Standard Bible 1995 neither went nor did I go up to Jerusalem to them that those who were apostles before me: me; but I went away into Arabia; to Arabia, and again I returned unto once more to Damascus.