King James Bible

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Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;


Verse part Definition: Part of speech: Strong's: Greek: Transliteration:
Rejoicing to rejoice, be glad V-PPA-NMP H5463 χαίροντες chairo (khah'-ee-ro)
in hope; expectation, hope N-DFS H1680 ἐλπίδι elpis (el-pece')
patient to stay behind, to await, endure V-PPA-NMP H5278 ὑπομένοντες hupomeno (hoop-om-en'-o)
in tribulation; tribulation N-DFS H2347 θλίψει thlipsis (thlip'-sis)
continuing instant to attend constantly V-PPA-NMP H4342 προσκαρτεροῦντες proskartereo (pros-kar-ter-eh'-o)
in prayer; prayer N-DFS H4335 προσευχῇ proseuche (pros-yoo-khay')

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King James Bible Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
Berean Bible Rejoicing rejoicing in hope; hope, being patient in tribulation; continuing instant tribulation, being constant in prayer;prayer,
Hebrew Greek English Rejoicing rejoicing in hope; patient hope, persevering in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;tribulation, devoted to prayer,
New American Standard Bible 1995 Rejoicing rejoicing in hope; patient hope, persevering in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;tribulation, devoted to prayer,