American Standard Version

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And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much. And she said, Yea, for so much.

Parallel Verses

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American Standard Version And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much. And she said, Yea, for so much.
King James Bible And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much. much? And she said, Yea, for so much.
Berean Bible And Peter answered unto replied to her, Tell “Tell me whether ye if you sold the land for so much. much?” And she said, Yea, “Yes, for so much.”
Hebrew Greek English And Peter answered unto responded to her, Tell "Tell me whether ye you sold the land for so much. such and such a price?" And she said, Yea, for so much."Yes, that was the price."
New American Standard Bible 1995 And Peter answered unto responded to her, Tell "Tell me whether ye you sold the land for so much. such and such a price?" And she said, Yea, for so much."Yes, that was the price."