American Standard Version

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And Joseph, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, Son of exhortation), a Levite, a man of Cyprus by race,



CYPRUSsi'-prus (Kupros):1. Name:An island situated near the Northeast corner of the Levant, in an angle formed by the coasts of Cilicia and Syria. In the Old Testament it is called Kittim, after the name of its Phoenician capital Kition. The identification is expressly made by Josephus (Ant., I, vi, 1) and by the Cyprian bishop Epiphanius (Haer., xxx.25). In... View Details



Barnabas [N] [H] [S] son of consolation, the surname of Joses, a Levite ( Acts 4:36 ). His name stands first on the list of prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch ( 13:1 ). Luke speaks of him as a "good man" ( 11:24 ). He was born of Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi. He was a native of Cyprus, where he had a possession of land ( Acts 4:36  Acts 4:37 ), which he sold. H... View Details


  Joseph There are three famous people in the Bible named Joseph: All three of their profiles are shown below: Joseph, a son of Jacob/Israel Joseph was one of 12 sons of Jacob. He was the first born son of Rachel (Gen 30:22-24). He received preferential treatment which angered his ten older brothers. His brothers faked his death to their father Jacob, and sold him to a caravan of Ishmaelite traders who were on their way to Egypt. God ga... View Details

Parallel Verses

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American Standard Version And Joseph, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, Son of exhortation), a Levite, a man of Cyprus by race,
King James Bible And Joseph, Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, Son The son of exhortation), consolation,) a Levite, a man and of Cyprus by race,the country of Cyprus,
Berean Bible And Joseph, who Now Joseph having been called Barnabas by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, is translated, Son of exhortation), encouragement), a Levite, a man of Cyprus by race,Cypriot at the birth,
Hebrew Greek English And Now Joseph, a Levite of Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, translated means Son of exhortation), a Levite, a man of Cyprus by race,Encouragement),
New American Standard Bible 1995 And Now Joseph, a Levite of Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, translated means Son of exhortation), a Levite, a man of Cyprus by race,Encouragement),