American Standard Version

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I know that ye are Abraham's seed: yet ye seek to kill me, because my word hath not free course in you.



 The father of the Jewish nation. His original name was Abraham    Abraham  father of a multitude, son of Terah, named ( Genesis 11:27 ) before his older brothers Nahor and Haran, because he was the heir of the promises. Till the age of seventy, Abram sojourned among his kindred in his native country of Chaldea. He then, with his father and his family and household, quitted the city of Ur, in which he had hitherto... View Details

Parallel Verses

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American Standard Version I know that ye are Abraham's seed: yet ye seek to kill me, because my word hath not free course in you.
King James Bible I know that ye are Abraham's seed: yet seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath not free course no place in you.
Berean Bible I know that ye you are Abraham's seed: yet ye Abraham’s seed; but you seek to kill me, Me because my My word hath not free course receives no place in you.
Hebrew Greek English I "I know that ye you are Abraham's seed: descendants; yet ye you seek to kill me, Me, because my My word hath not free course has no place in you.
New American Standard Bible 1995 I "I know that ye you are Abraham's seed: descendants; yet ye you seek to kill me, Me, because my My word hath not free course has no place in you.