American Standard Version

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And those by the way side are they that have heard; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word from their heart, that they may not believe and be saved.

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American Standard Version And those by the way side are they that have heard; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word from their heart, that they may not believe and be saved.
King James Bible And those Those by the way side are they that have heard; hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word from out of their heart, that hearts, lest they may not should believe and be saved.
Berean Bible And those by along the way side road are they that have those having heard; then cometh the devil, devil comes and taketh takes away the word from their heart, that lest having believed, they may not believe and should be saved.
Hebrew Greek English And "Those beside the road are those by the way side are they that who have heard; then cometh the devil, devil comes and taketh takes away the word from their heart, so that they may will not believe and be saved.
New American Standard Bible 1995 And "Those beside the road are those by the way side are they that who have heard; then cometh the devil, devil comes and taketh takes away the word from their heart, so that they may will not believe and be saved.