American Standard Version

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And Simon answered and said, Master, we toiled all night, and took nothing: but at thy word I will let down the nets.

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American Standard Version And Simon answered and said, Master, we toiled all night, and took nothing: but at thy word I will let down the nets.
King James Bible And Simon answered and said, answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and took have taken nothing: but nevertheless at thy word I will let down the
Berean Bible And Simon answered and answering, said, Master, we “Master, having toiled all through whole night, and took nothing: we have taken nothing; but at thy word Your word, I will let down the nets.”
Hebrew Greek English And Simon answered and said, Master, "Master, we toiled worked hard all night, night and took nothing: caught nothing, but at thy word I will do as You say and let down the nets."
New American Standard Bible 1995 And Simon answered and said, Master, "Master, we toiled worked hard all night, night and took nothing: caught nothing, but at thy word I will do as You say and let down the nets."