American Standard Version

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Whereas Edom saith, We are beaten down, but we will return and build the waste places; thus saith Jehovah of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and men shall call them The border of wickedness, and The people against whom Jehovah hath indignation for ever.



EDOM; EDOMITESe'-dum, e'-dum-its 'edhom, "red"; Edom:1. Boundaries:The boundaries of Edom may be traced with some approach to accuracy. On the East of the `Arabah the northern border ran from the Dead Sea, and was marked by Wady el-Kurachi, or Wady el-Chasa. On the East it marched with the desert. The southern border ran by Elath and Ezion-geber (Deuteronomy... View Details



another name for Esau, older son of Isaac, also his desc. and their territory


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details

Parallel Verses

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American Standard Version Whereas Edom saith, We are beaten down, but we will return and build the waste places; thus saith Jehovah of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and men shall call them The border of wickedness, and The people against whom Jehovah hath indignation for ever.
King James Bible Whereas Edom saith, We are beaten down, impoverished, but we will return and build the waste desolate places; thus saith Jehovah the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and men they shall call them them, The border of wickedness, and and, The people against whom Jehovah the LORD hath indignation for ever.
Hebrew Greek English Whereas Though Edom saith, We are says, "We have been beaten down, but we will return and build up the waste places; ruins"; thus saith Jehovah says the LORD of hosts, They shall "They may build, but I will throw tear down; and men shall will call them The border of wickedness, the wicked territory, and The the people against toward whom Jehovah hath indignation for ever.the LORD is indignant forever."
New American Standard Bible 1995 Whereas Though Edom saith, We are says, "We have been beaten down, but we will return and build up the waste places; ruins"; thus saith Jehovah says the LORD of hosts, They shall "They may build, but I will throw tear down; and men shall will call them The border of wickedness, the wicked territory, and The the people against toward whom Jehovah hath indignation for ever.the LORD is indignant forever."