American Standard Version

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And it is turned round about by his guidance, That they may do whatsoever he commandeth them Upon the face of the habitable world,

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American Standard Version And it is turned round about by his guidance, That they may do whatsoever he commandeth them Upon the face of the habitable world,
King James Bible And it is turned round about by his guidance, That counsels: that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them Upon upon the face of the habitable world,world in the earth.
Hebrew Greek English And it is turned round about "It changes direction, turning around by his His guidance, That they it may do whatsoever he commandeth them Upon whatever He commands it On the face of the habitable world,inhabited earth.
New American Standard Bible 1995 And it is turned round about "It changes direction, turning around by his His guidance, That they it may do whatsoever he commandeth them Upon whatever He commands it On the face of the habitable world,inhabited earth.