American Standard Version

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How much less when thou sayest thou beholdest him not, The cause is before him, and thou waitest for him!

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American Standard Version How much less when thou sayest thou beholdest him not, The cause is before him, and thou waitest for him!
King James Bible How much less when Although thou sayest thou beholdest him not, The cause shalt not see him, yet judgment is before him, and him; therefore trust thou waitest for him!in him.
Hebrew Greek English How "How much less when thou sayest thou beholdest him not, you say you do not behold Him, The cause case is before him, Him, and thou waitest you must wait for him!Him!
New American Standard Bible 1995 How "How much less when thou sayest thou beholdest him not, you say you do not behold Him, The cause case is before him, Him, and thou waitest you must wait for him!Him!