American Standard Version

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Shall his recompense be as thou wilt, that thou refusest it? For thou must choose, and not I: Therefore speak what thou knowest.

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American Standard Version Shall his recompense be as thou wilt, that thou refusest it? For thou must choose, and not I: Therefore speak what thou knowest.
King James Bible Shall his Should it be according to thy mind? he will recompense be as it, whether thou wilt, that refuse, or whether thou refusest it? For thou must choose, choose; and not I: Therefore therefore speak what thou knowest.
Hebrew Greek English Shall his "Shall He recompense be as thou wilt, that thou refusest on your terms, because you have rejected it? For thou you must choose, and not I: I; Therefore speak declare what thou know.
New American Standard Bible 1995 Shall his "Shall He recompense be as thou wilt, that thou refusest on your terms, because you have rejected it? For thou you must choose, and not I: I; Therefore speak declare what thou know.