EGYPTe'-jipt:I. THE COUNTRY1. The Basis of the Land 2. The Nile Valley 3. Earliest Human Remains 4. Climate 5. Conditions of Life 6. The Nile 7. The Fauna 8. The Flora 9. The Prehistoric RacesII. THE HISTORY1. 1st and 2nd Ages: Prehistoric 2. 3d Age: Ist and IInd Dynasties 3. 4th Age: IIIrd through VIth Dynasties 4. 5th Age: VIIth through XIVth Dynasties 5.... View Details
SYRIA (1)sir'-i-a (Suria (Matthew 4:24 Luke 2:2)):1. Name and Its Origin2. Other Designations3. Physical(1) The Maritime Plain(2) First MoUntain Belt(3) Second Mountain Belt(4) Great Central Valley(5) The Eastern Belt(6) Rivers(7) Nature of Soil(8) Flora(9) Fauna(10) Minerals(11) Central Position4. History(1) Canaanitic Semites(2) Sargon of Agade(3) Babyloni... View Details
Ram, an ancestor of Christ
Syria and its inhab., also the names of a son of Shem, a grandson of Nahor, and an Israelite