Word Origin: a prim. pronoun
Definition: who, which, that
NASB Translation: although (1), anyone (1), because (45), because* (73), before* (3), concerning* (1), deadly* (1), everything* (2), everywhere* (2), how (24), how* (6), if (8), inasmuch (1), inasmuch* (2), just (1), just* (6), much (1), powder* (1), reason (1), set (1), since (3), since* (5), so (9), so* (1), steward* (4), storehouses (1), such (8), such* (2), than* (1), therefore (1), these (2), this (1), though* (1), unless* (1), until* (35), what (166), what* (8), whatever (16), whatever* (40), when (44), when* (1), whenever (1), where (49), where you how (1), where* (136), whereas* (1), whereby (1), wherein (1), wherever (4), wherever* (27), which (1925), which he and how (1), which* (1), whichever (1), while (1), while those who (1), who (1), who (850), whoever (4), whoever* (13), whom (345), whom* (1), whomever (1), whomever* (3), whose (80), whose remains when (1), why (2).
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