Word Origin: a prim. root
Definition: to be desolated or appalled
NASB Translation: appalled (13), astonished (8), astounded (1), become desolate (1), causes horror (1), causing consternation (1), desolate (22), desolated (4), desolating (1), desolation (5), desolations (3), destitute (1), destroy (1), devastations (1), horrified (2), laid desolate (1), laid waste (4), lie deserted (1), lies desolate (1), made me desolate (1), made you desolate (1), made desolate (3), make the desolate (2), make their desolate (2), make them desolate (1), make your desolate (1), make...appalled (1), make...desolate (1), makes desolate (2), ravaged (1), ruin (1), ruined (1), ruins (1).
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