Word Origin: a prim. root
Definition: hand
NASB Translation: abandon* (1), able (1), able* (1), addition* (1), afford* (4), against* (3), allegiance (1), allegiance* (1), along (1), alongside* (1), armpits* (1), arms (5), around (2), assist (1), assuredly (2), authority (9), axles (2), bank (1), banks (1), because (1), become* (1), beside (3), beside* (8), boldly* (2), bordered* (1), borders (1), bounty (3), care (7), charge (7), close* (1), coast (1), command (3), compulsion* (3), consecrate* (3), consecrated* (4), control (1), courage* (1), creditor* (1), custody (4), debt (1), defiantly* (1), delivered (1), deserved* (1), direction (10), directions (1), discouraged* (2), discouraging* (1), do (1), done (2), encourage* (1), encouraged* (3), enough (1), entrust* (1), entrusted (1), entrusted* (1), exhausted* (2), fist (1), force (1), four-fifths* (1), guarantor* (1), had (1), hand (859), handed (1), hands (303), hands* (1), have* (1), help* (1), helpless* (1), herself (1), himself (1), hold* (1), human agency (1), idle* (1), influence (1), jaws (1), labor (1), large* (2), leadership (1), left-handed* (2), let go* (1), lose courage* (1), manhood (1), means (11), means* (3), memorial (1), monument (2), much (1), much as he is able (1), much as one is able (1), next (2), next* (13), occasion (1), ordain* (4), ordained* (4), order (1), ordination* (1), part (1), parts (2), paw (2), place (4), pledged* (1), possess* (1), possession (4), power (44), prepared (1), prevailed* (1), reached* (1), rebelled* (2), reined about* (1), representative (1), responsible* (1), rule (5), seized* (2), service (1), side (5), sides (1), signpost (1), slackness* (1), some (1), spacious* (1), stays (2), strength (5), submitted* (1), support (1), support* (1), swore* (12), sworn* (4), tenons (6), through (60), times (2), undertake* (2), undertakings* (3), what he deserves* (1), wrists (3), wrists* (1), yield* (1), yourselves (2).
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