Word Origin: a prim. root
Definition: to be or grow firm or strong, strengthen
NASB Translation: adopted (2), applied (1), became (1), became mighty (1), became powerful (1), became strong (2), became...strong (1), been arrogant (1), captured (1), carried out repairs (12), caught (1), caught fast (1), caught hold (1), collected his strength (1), courageous (3), detained (1), devote (1), display great strength (1), display strength (1), encourage (4), encourage* (1), encouraged (2), encouraged* (3), encouragement (1), encourages (1), established himself securely (1), fasten (1), fastens (1), fierce (1), firm (2), firmly (2), firmly in his grasp (1), forces (1), fortified (1), gain ascendancy (1), gave him strong support (1), grasp (1), gripped (3), grow strong (1), harden (4), hardened (9), held (2), held them fast (1), help* (1), helped (1), hold (4), hold his own (1), hold fast (5), holding (3), holds fast (3), joining (1), laid hold (1), louder (1), made (1), made himself secure (1), made their harder (1), made repairs (12), made stronger (1), maintain (1), make (1), make an effort (1), making himself strong (1), overcome (1), persuaded (1), post a strong (1), prevailed (4), prevailed over (1), put (1), received strength (1), recovered (1), rely (1), repair (12), repaired (14), repairers (1), repairing (1), resist (1), resolutely (2), retain (1), retained (1), seize (4), seized (6), seizes (2), severe (5), show ourselves courageous (2), snaps shut (1), stands firmly (1), strengthen (12), strengthened (19), strengthening (1), strong (31), strong support (1), stronger (6), strongly support (1), support* (1), supported (1), sure (1), sustain (1), take (1), take courage (6), take courage and be courageous (1), take hold (7), taken (2), taken hold (1), takes (1), takes hold (2), tie your securely (1), took (2), took courage (2), took hold (5), upholds (1), urged* (1).
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