if'-ta-el (yiphtach-'el; the King James Version Jiphtah-el): The valley of Iphtah-el lay on the North border of Zebulun (Joshua 19:14, 27). Northwest of the plain of el-Battauf stands a steep hill, connected only by a low saddle with the hills on the North. The name Tell Jefat suggests the Jotapata of Josephus (BJ, III, vi, i; vii, i, etc.), and the place answers well to his description. It probably corresponds to the ancient Iphtah-el. In that case the valley is most probably that which begins at Tell Jefat, passes round the South of Jebel Kaukab, and, as Wady 'Abellin, opens on the plain of Acre.
W. Ewing