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Overview: Dependence on God versus people, things or even churches is an interesting concept, but could anything other than dependence on God be idolatry? WOW! That’s a scary thought. Let’s take a look at how the Bible fits into churches and how we, the pew sitters, fit into a relationship with God!
This podcast sets the stage for our future Bible Study of Exodus.
Your hosts, Ric and Mary Joyner of Bible Study Company take you on a journey of discovery. Can we depend solely on God? What does that mean? What about people and churches? Churches can wound people. People wound people. Is that something God wants for His people? We are studying Scripture to find out what pleases God and act on that. We aren’t looking for formulas. Performance and formula-driven people fill churches and companies. Is God looking for performers? We are all broken pottery. By spending time with the Lord, we get filled to the brim and then we “leak” out to the world around us. Ric tends toward formulas and performance for approval and Mary is grounded in the knowledge that she is loved because she is part of her organic family. You are part of God’s organic family! He is looking for a relationship with us. Grab your favorite cup of “joe,” or your favorite beverage. We can travel together because God is not a formula! He is a deep relationship. Let us know what you think!
Thank you and please provide feedback!
Ric and Mary Joyner