Dear Community,
Thanks for taking the time to let us know what you think. This is what community is all about. The input regarding Community v.s. Company was close to being equal. Many people loved the phrase; bible study community. A good amount of folks also liked Bible Study Company which was what we originally started with. When we began BSC in 2015 our mission was to study scripture to live a praiseworthy life to God by being a “company” of believers studying scripture. In the end, our mission is also community. Remember to check out our groups and post your favorite meaningful comments in the community area. BTW we appreciate those who share with others about BSC.
After my email to everyone, I grabbed and now we have both: Bible Study Company and Community web addresses!
So, remember you can find us at Bible Study Company or Bible Study Community.
We noticed that we don’t have to do a thing to our web site. Here is a snap shot.