#JesusChrist #Jesus #areyouatare #areyoubornagain
By Ric Joyner
We have been talking with people that have been in church all their lives. Most are or were in mainline denominations. However, they "don't connect" with the church anymore, and worse, the Word of God (Bible) they say they can't understand or don't want to. "Church is a business." "God doesn't answer my prayers." "Too many bad things in the world." "Too many hypocrites (like me in the church)." I added the "like me" because we are all broken pottery. I get it. But the problem is that Jesus warned, in a parable Matthew 13:24-30, that..."The wheat sprouted and bore grain; then the tares became evident also. 27 "The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?' 28 "And he said to them, 'An enemy has done this!' (NASB Matthew 13:24) AN ENEMY. Could people be in church and never know they need to be born again? YES. They are tares! What is born again? Christ told the equivalent of the POPE of Israel in John 3, named Nicodemus; he needed to be born brand new from heaven. Only God can make us born again by His Spirit. If we think being good is good enough or what we do to be good is the answer, we are in trouble. But how are we born again? We must put our faith (in God's word) and trust in Christ to save us from our sin and place our sins upon Him by faith, or we are in danger of carrying them into eternity while thinking we are a good person. Good people, by whose, or WHOSE standard? Ours or God's? I don't care about the denomination, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Charismatic, or a host of others. We all must be born again. BTW, if you are living a life full of sin and have been in church all of your life, perhaps that is a significant indicator you need to ask the Lord to save you. Here is an excellent link in case this is missing in your life. DON'T BE A TARE (an enemy of God) that does not bear fruit (wheat) for their Master. You can come to Him today and cry out to Him for salvation just by asking Him. Are you struggling to believe in His saving work on the cross? Then share that too with Him, but ask Him to help you believe. Here is the link. https://biblestudycompany.com/blog/article/81