King James Bible

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Therefore thou shalt speak unto them this word; Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Every bottle shall be filled with wine: and they shall say unto thee, Do we not certainly know that every bottle shall be filled with wine?


Verse part Definition: Part of speech: Strong's: Hebrew: Transliteration:
Therefore thou shalt speak answer Verb H559 וְאָמַרְתָּ֙ ve·'a·mar·ta
unto them this word act Noun H1697 הַדָּבָ֣ר had·da·var
Thus such Adverb H3541 כֹּֽה־ koh-
Thus saith answer Verb H559 אָמַ֤ר a·mar
the LORD Jehovah Noun H3068 יְהוָה֙ Yah·weh
God angels Noun H430 אֱלֹהֵ֣י e·lo·hei
of Israel Israel Noun H3478 יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל yis·ra·'el,
Read more about: Israel
Every all manner Noun H3605 כָּל־ kol-
Every bottle bottle Noun H5035 נֵ֖בֶל ne·vel
shall be filled accomplish Verb H4390 יִמָּ֣לֵא yim·ma·le
with wine banqueting Noun H3196 יָ֑יִן ya·yin;
and they shall say answer Verb H559 וְאָמְר֣וּ ve·'a·me·ru
unto thee Do we not certainly acknowledge Verb H3045 הֲיָדֹ֙עַ֙ ha·ya·do·a'
know acknowledge Verb H3045 נֵדַ֔ע ne·da,
every all manner Noun H3605 כָל־ chol-
that every bottle bottle Noun H5035 נֵ֖בֶל ne·vel
shall be filled accomplish Verb H4390 יִמָּ֥לֵא yim·ma·le
banqueting banqueting Noun H3196 יָֽיִן׃ ya·yin.



ISRAEL, KINGDOM OF" I. THE FIRST PERIOD1. The Two Kingdoms2. The Ist Dynasty3. The IInd Dynasty4. Civil WarII. PERIOD OF THE SYRIAN WARS1. The IIIrd Dynasty2. World-Politics3. Battle of Karkar4. Loss of Territory5. Reform of Religion6. Revolution7. The IVth Dynasty8. Renewed Prosperity9. AnarchyIII. DECLINE AND FALL1. Loss of Independence2. Decline3. Extinct... View Details



Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details


Lord [N] [B] [S] There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered.    Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in  Exodus 6:3 ;  Psalms 83:18 ;  Isaiah 12:2 ;  26:4 , both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.&nb... View Details

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King James Bible Therefore thou shalt speak unto them this word; Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Every bottle shall be filled with wine: and they shall say unto thee, Do we not certainly know that every bottle shall be filled with wine?
Hebrew Greek English Therefore thou shalt "Therefore you are to speak unto them this word; Thus saith word to them, 'Thus says the LORD LORD, the God of Israel, Every bottle shall "Every jug is to be filled with wine: and wine."' And when they shall say unto thee, Do to you, 'Do we not certainly very well know that every bottle shall jug is to be filled with wine?wine?'
New American Standard Bible 1995 Therefore thou shalt "Therefore you are to speak unto them this word; Thus saith word to them, 'Thus says the LORD LORD, the God of Israel, Every bottle shall "Every jug is to be filled with wine: and wine."' And when they shall say unto thee, Do to you, 'Do we not certainly very well know that every bottle shall jug is to be filled with wine?wine?'